Are you sure the blockchain claiming of LLM is working?

Today I bought LLM, and recived 2 LLDs on my address, but I cannot update identity data, so I can’t claim LLM. Tried Talisman and Subwallet, I get an error that Liberland network out of date in Subwallet, and in Talisman fails to connect.

I have a little remark here. Since money is involved, I think official support channel should be existing for problems such as this. Asking about on forums is a bit annoying.

But generally, I would say blockchain is the way to go. It’s the only way governance can be rightful and proper. Looking forward to Liberland’s mission to really succeed.

I will reply to myself although I really think someone should’ve seen this problem by now and responded. Liberland blockchain is not working with Ledger (and maybe other hardware wallets). That was the problem, i used soft wallet and it’s ok now, but…